Monday, May 19, 2003

Mood: enh.

Long time no blog. Contrary to popular opinion, I was not kidnapped by the Luhr 3rd grade Sandinistas. I just didn't feel like blogging. Okay? I did see Matrix-Reloaded. My review: perky fight scenes with overwrought spirituality means big box office numbers! I did like it but does it rank in my top 10 movies? No. I must be maturing if a hyped up kung-fu flick doesn't spin my wheels anymore. Ahh I remember like it was yesterday when I was watching Wrestlemania on a big screen TV at Louisville Gardens.

Writing wise, I feel short-story productive but novel deficient. I don't know if the short stories are any good. I guess I should submit them and find out. I am taxing my brain for a solid novel concept but nada. I read somewhere that it does no good to chase something because it will always elude you. It is better to not concentrate on the subject and let it come to you. Zen, baby! I tell you I'm all over it sometimes. It's called taking your meds. I kid, really. I wish I had some pharmacutical aid.

Goodnight from Captain Zoloft

Reading: Persuader by Lee Child

Music: Chinatown by The Be Good Tanyas, Battle of Los Angeles by Rage Against The Machine (It's all about balance, people.)