Friday, March 07, 2003

Mood: Pensive

Word Count: over 500

Mea culpa. Another long time between posts. I offer no lame ass excuses for I am the god of these here parts and will act accordingly. Or something like that. I use this forum to mostly discuss writing and some of my personal tastes. People will remark that they knew me when I was a simple blogger and not a famous author. But I have never mentioned another of my talents, cartooning. My ex-partner-for-life called me this evening to let me know I recieved some mail. Well I used to submit cartoons to magazines to get published and make a little scratch. Very little scratch. I stopped cartooning seriuosly about a year and a half ago but Aquarium Fish Magazine still held onto some cartoons I sent them. They sent the paperwork to my old address and are publishing one of my cartoons in the near future. Which gets me to thinking that I should be cartooning instead of writing or at least doing both. I seem to have more success in the cartooning biz. I think I'll try both and see where that gets me.

Bon voyage, Rob