Saturday, February 22, 2003

Mood: Pensive

Word Count: Today was submission day.

Ugh. Sorry I have denied anybody the pleasure of my dementia lately, twelve days to be exact. Well I turned 34 without much cursing this week. I usually take off from work and go over my life up to that moment. In the plus columns for this year: not on zoloft, I have a pet leopard gecko, I am godfather to my nephew Simon even after my godlessness tirades, I haven't lost any friends. In the crap column: I still am not a published writer, I still have a job at UPS, no love or hate interest, stagnate health, basement residence. But I still got my rosy goddamn outlook on life, by crikey. Pbbbbtt. Whatevah.

Good news on the music front. The Be Good Tanyas, a Canadian folk/alt-country band, will be making a stop at Headliners in Louisville, March 14th. I can't pigeonhole my taste in music anymore than I can my taste in women. Classic rock, bluegrass, hip hop, alt-country, indie, alt-country, americana, soul. I'm all over the place. I guess the only thing to say is I enjoy quality music( just like the women). is the link to their website.

The do run Rob

Reading: From a Buick 8 by Stephen King

Music: Johnny Cash Murder, compitilation---most excellent recordings from the 60's all about hillbilly thuggery.