Saturday, January 25, 2003

Mood: Wiped Out

Word Count: Too miniscule to talk about.

In my job at UPS, I have an inordinate amount of paper shuffling bullshit. We also do more training than is necessary in order to be an ISO9000 company. It's some kind of international business recognition thing and I'm not even sure it is 9000, it could be some other number and probaly is. I had to do some quarterly certification on some inane crap. So I'm taking the test and you can only miss 4 questions to pass. I must have been there 2 hours on this one pain in the ass test. One question kept tripping me up every time but I thought I had answered it correctly on earlier failed tests. Well I captured the image of the computer program saying I answered incorrectly and it gave me the correct answer. I matched it with my answer and it was the same! Son of a ... I had been doing it correctly and this frelling idiot box was playing games with me. And my new supervisor doesn't accept excuses, she says quit being a victim. Oy vey!!

I need a new book to read but I am trying to curb my out of control consumer habits. I need to budget better and only purchase what I need not what I want. I also want to buy the new Zwan cd and The Bourne Identity DVD. Does it make me un-patriotic to not purchase so much?

MC Rob

Reading: well I want to read an essay collection by Sarah Vowels called Partly Cloudy Patriot. She is quirky and I digs me the quirky women.
Music: Smashing Pumpkins

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Mood: Sedate

Word Count: 1,134

R. Kelly, Pete Townsend, and who will be the next contestant in "I thought she/he was 18, I swear."? Mick Jagger and Puff Daddy better be carding those hoochie mamas.
I'm working on a short story for a sci-fi chapbook. The theme is 'what time is it'. I think I have the germination of an idea. I also have to get cracking on another chapter for my novel. That is about it on the writing front.
Man I look at all that I've written on this blog and realize I need to borrow someone else's life. Anybody got one to spare?

Roberto Clemenza

Reading: Finished The Ticket Out. Good book but unfair last line.

Music: Barenaked Ladies Born On A Pirate Ship

Sunday, January 19, 2003

Mood: Mea Culpa

Word Count: Over 3,000

I have neglected my audience too much. My therapist says I say I'm sorry too much so I won't say that. I started this blog to motivate my writing and it has helped. Last week I challenged Stephanie, from Clear Creek Writing Group, to a chapter a week on our respective novels. She has done two chapters of her novel and I have done one and a short story rewrite. So that's not a bad start. I just want to finish a novel but I am scared I won't be able to keep the same voice for such a long period of writing. Baby steps.....

Reading: The Ticket Out by Helen Knode It's a first time crime novel and I'm digging it. Her husband is author James Ellroy.

Listening to: Shut Up You Fucking Baby by David Cross A two CD live comedy album. High-larious!!